Monday, January 19, 2009

Seven things

Morganpdx got this from jarvitron... and now I'm stealing it back... This song is not a rebel... oh wait... ummm... or something...

Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me: A Confession of sorts...

1) I practice Kendo. Well, I did over a year ago. It all went crazy when the wedding started up again and I had no time. Kendo is the study of the art of Japanese sword fighting. It's not self-defense, merely the practice of traditional Japenese sword fighting using a shinai (a bamboo sword, if you will). I've got my bogu, my shinai(s) and my kendo keiko gi (traditionally folded and put away) ready to go... I just need to find a new dojo and talk to the Sensei. I'm currently at Yon Kyu level (4th level) but should technically have passed my San Kyu level (3rd level) exams prior to the time I stopped.

2)I'm Mexican. That is to say my parents are Mexican and I was part of the first generation born here in my family. Well, my father was born in Arizona, but grew up in Mexico after the age of 3 months or something, so he's technically Mexican. People generally don't believe I'm of Mexican origin, and I'm not quite sure WHY, although I will attribute this to the fact that I don't look like a "typical Mexican," however, this can be argued in that they really don't know what a typical Mexican looks like. Basically, I have no accent and I cannot tan (I tried). Spanish was my first language and I grew up speaking Spanish and I was brought up in a Mexican-Catholic household, somewhat traditionally (or as traditionally as one can whilst in the US).

3)Mendez is the actual last name/The boyo is my second husband. I was married when I was 23 to a Canadian boyo who was of German and English families (Mom's and Dad's, respectively) and We divorced 2 years later. I learned a lot from that first marriage. A LOT! I almost didn't get married again because of it. We were young, I was spontaneous, and I'm a dreamer. Why shouldn't it work? I think they call it a starter marriage these days and they're all the more common, but I still felt like, "How can I be 25 and divorced! I feel like I'm only 14!" We were 2 kids playing house and I took on most of the responsibility as it's in my nature to do. Recipe for disaster. Still, I learned a lot! So I guess there's that.

4)I'm a liar. Well, not REALLY, but I do find myself lying to people I don't know a lot. Waitresses, people on the bus, Bartenders. I generally chalk it up to whatever story I'm working on (see number 7) and what mood I'm in. It's never anything big, but for some reason I LOVE to give more information that is necessary to people I barely know, never see again. Oh and I make up names, too. Certain coffee shops used to know me as Randy. heh. I've never told anyone that hahahahahahhaaa! It really does have a lot to do with the telling of stories to myself, though, and I don't do this to people I know or work with. Just... chance encounters... and sometimes I just can't help it.

5)I'm stuck at age 16. Well, at least the 14 year old that got divorced grew up a little, right? I've recently been discussing this with some friends, and I tend to think that it has to do with the fact that I don't have kids, nor will I ever (well, most likely not). I'm sort of stuck at a certain level of responsibility, and I know that 16 might be understating it, but I still feel it's not at a very adult age and that generally rules out over 20 in my mind. You might disagree, but 16 sounds about right. I love YA novels, I REALLY enjoy my cartoons and anime, I get inspired by little things and I generally think in a "when I grow up..." kind of way. Good or bad, I think it works for me. This is NOT to say that I have not learned from my experiences, I just generally tend to think in a much more youthful fashion.

6)I think that anything can happen. This continues with the 16-year-old theme. I have this very kid-like concept that I can do anything and that anything can happen. So far I've been right. This can be kind of annoying to people, as I've been told that I live in Ceci-land, but I still hold fast to the concept. I've always lived knowing that, if I just do it, I will do. I feel like people think that this is pretty childish, especially when something seems pretty impossible, but if anything, my past miracles have shown me otherwise. I think that after Miracle #1, I really took on this form of thinking and Miracle #2 just made me impossible to live with. I live in Ceci-land. It's pretty nice here but kinda crazy. Wanna join?

7) I often write stories for myself. I think this fits in with SOOOOO many of the above things. The 16-year-old. The liar. I tell myself stories no matter where I go, no matter what I'm doing. They're usually a hyper-reality version of myself or what I'm doing. In my stories I'm a musician, I'm a genius, I'm a boy, I'm a Shang warrior who lives in Gali, not far from Tortall and have a life span closer to that of an elf's than a human. Seriously! All in the name of entertainment or maybe a story I'm working on. Sometimes I'm a Story, and my blue hair tells you that. Other times I'm just me... because I like the story of me. It's really neat in that story most times and incredible things happen there, too. Generally, though, you can find me as some other Ceci: CJ, Capricious, Sam, Richard, Andy, Leidy or, my latest, Wren.

So that's me in 7 things you might not have known.

TAG! You're it! The following people need to post 7 things: Pehdroh, JuggleJane, Bee, Thedr9wningman, SergioQ, Mlle_Aubergine and Sodapopprincess!


Anonymous said...

Awesome! This has been kind of a fun little exercise, and a great way to get to know fellow bloggers.

And dude. You finished nanowrimo? Mad props. MAD. I tried, and got some good words, but finisher? Wow.

Ceci Virtue said...

@morganpdx it is a neat exercise in "getting to know you" kind of way. It's funny too 'cause it's so random, what you learn that is.

Yes I finished! Thank you! I was on a mission and it took grounding myself and keeping on a totally tight schedule of how many words I had to accomplish a night. The latter half of November I saw no one and didn't get to see or read anything. Some serious no sleep nights at the end there. hahahahaha

Bee said...

People tell me I don't look Mexican all the time! My FIL said that to me and I told him I didn't know how to take that.

I'll do the tag next week since I have to come up with something nobody knows about. ;o)

Ceci Virtue said...

@Bee technically you could just tell us 7 things... how are we to know that it's what no one knows??? Although, why would you write something like, I have a blog, I've a love/ hate relationship with my husband named Andy...

although that would be funny in it's own way...