Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Silly = Good

"People are, if anything, more touchy about being thought silly than they are about being thought unjust." ~E.B. White~

I'd like to thank Miss Kat for being my cheerleader and sending me the most wonderful text message last night (that I didn't receive until this morning since my phone DIED). Also for her tweet about answering her alarm phone. HEE! I love you, you're silly!

I've gone from feeling like this:

©Universal Press Syndicate/ Bill Waterson October 14, 1993

to feeling like this:

©Universal Press Syndicate/ Bill Waterson


Unknown said...

And that's why we don't have a coffee table AND i hide the hammer!

Ceci Virtue said...

Yes but we still have markers and rubber cement and all sorts of other things I could use!