Thursday, April 9, 2009

More from France...

So we did some touristy stuff... Mainly we went to Notre Dame and the Louvre.

Our feet at the center, ensuring that we WILL return!

The Seine.

Victoires (at the Louvre).

The stairs leading up to the apartments of Napoleon III in the Louvre.

One of the rooms in the apartment.

I think that was the extent of our tourist-y stuff... wait... no! We ended up at a museum on our last day... but that's another story, and shall be told another time.


thedr9wningman said...

Let's move there! [/William channelling]

Ceci Virtue said...

@thedr9wningman - Yes! I'm alllll for it. Had it not been for the boyo, I would have begged Pierre to hire me at his bar. BEGGED!

Hmmm... still have to look into how to best do this...
