Sunday, August 17, 2008

But not tonight...


The good news is that Skins is coming to BBC America!

The bad news? Da5id and I decided that cable was not important and therefore was an unnecessary expense. I was a little tempted once I heard this, but I thought about it rationally and thought... well if it's on BBC America now, then it shan't be long 'til it's on DVD. :D

I hope I'm right.

I am pleased to report that we now have a place called Home!


Queen Goob said...

That War of the Worlds water tower is spooky! Keep the blinds closed so as not to interfear with Wednesday nights.

Ceci Virtue said...

HAHAHAHAHA!! Do you think Tom Cruise will come around and ask us to read dianetics?

I like to think of it more as the tower that the Animaniacs escpade from...