Monday, July 20, 2009

Earlier, a couple of comments that were posted due to my fa-cheybook status got me thinking of poetry.

I can't write poetry but I love it. I love to read it, love to hear it... love what it does to words with its rhythm.

I have a poem that keeps going 'round my head ever since I opened up my Emily Dickinson book a month or so ago. I place it here now.

This is my letter to the World,
That never wrote to me,--
The simple news that Nature told,

With tender majesty.

Her message is committed

To hands I cannot see.

For love of her, sweet countrymen,

Judge Tenderly of me!


? said...

Strange that you should talk about poetry in your blog and guess what I have on mine? Yup, you guessed it... I ended my blog today with one of my favorite T.S. Eliot poems... it's like we share a brain sometimes, coz... gotta love it... miss ya!