Friday, December 21, 2007

all apologies


so it seems that many of you can't go to my wedding... and i'm feeling a little down about that

here's the thing... i'm not down that you can't make it...
i'm down that i had to make it so freakin' far away!

i feel like i was being selfish...

who the hell has a wedding in a place where 90% of their guest list don't live there????

and how in the hell do you except people to go there???

it seems more often that not, we're getting regrets in the mail.

this makes me sorter sad in that... i feel like i have failed the people that would have come otherwise....

please... i'm so sorry


Lindsay said...

I'm friends with Liz and stumbled upon this blog. Anyways I wanted to let you know i went through the same emotions when I got married in Hawaii.
I felt bad 'cause my closest family members couldn't make it. But the good thing is....
the people who do make it all bond together and it makes for a very special wedding experience. It's more then just a day too because they've travelled there so they have a few days to get to know one another.
But I do understand your feelings, even though I'm a total stranger :)

Bringing Up Ben said...

Lou took the words right out of my mouth. Destination weddings are so special because everyone is out of their element a bit so you wind up bonding together. And you have more than just one day of memories.

Ceci Virtue said...

you're both right...
i know i know... i've seen this happen... have been part of this myself at my friend merilee's wedding in south dakota just this past summer. It was really neat to become part of a family ... of a group of people that made that weekend... and that week, so special for merilee and gabriel.

i guess... i'm just getting so much grief from the family... that it's starting to sorter get to me... at first i was angry... then i felt bad because, maybe it was my fault for making it so unaccessible.

these days... i think... whatever.. it's too bad they can't go/ won't go... they're going to miss a great party.

thank you both for reminding me... sometimes... we just get caught up on a negative feedback loop