Sunday, February 27, 2011

Help I'm alive

First news: I was laid off. Yep, ladies and gents, my assignment at came to an end as of Thursday. Am I ok? Yes. I had a bit of panic there, still I can't help but be optimistic. Dunno why, but I'm all for it.

With that said, I'm working on trying to use more of my time to write and take part in other endeavors that will lead me down a more creative path. I guess, I'm just trying to free myself from the rut that I feel I got stuck in after working so many hours at work. Having the time isn't enough, I feel like I really have to try for it because it's too easy to let the "free time" waste away on other things.

I feel a bit out of touch with a lot of my friends, but most times I think that this has to do with bipolar issues I have to battle for life. I'm trying, guys. I know I just have to keep in touch with the lot of you, but it's not always easy. Sometimes the monsters in my head outnumber the reality. I'm fighting it, bit by bit. I'm trying to update this blog at least once a week in order to stop feeling like a recluse and at least keep a line open to everyone in how and what I'm doing.

Side note to anyone that gets my posts emailed to them: if you're going to respond, please respond on the blog and not to the email. For some reason the email isn't coming to me directly anymore so I have to go in and fix that so that I can get those responses again. In the meantime, if you have responded to me and I've not answered, that's probably why.

I know this isn't much of a post, but I just wanted to bring everyone up to speed.

I tremble.
They're going to eat me alive
If I stumble....
Help I'm Alive.



Veganslaughter said...

Pick your self up, stumble, repeat, and pray you harm no one that's in the way. At lest that's how I spend my days.