Sunday, November 4, 2007
last night I got my first RSVP
Liz... you are the big winner of the first to respond for the wedding! I'm not sure what you win yet... but i'll think of something
it was odd to see it there...and to see that someone's coming... I'm guessing that the responses will come in spurts...
the whole wedding thing still doesn't feel like a total reality for me. It's very much a concept...a dream even... but not something that I feel is real. I don't know why. Perhaps it's because I never expected to do this. I never saw myself getting married... never dreamed when I was a little girl of getting married. I did dream of finding the one who would complete me... love me... but there was never much involved in the way of least.. not in the dreaming of it sense.
so this should be interesting...
now I'm just curious who WILL go...
that's what i want to know...
I won?
Funny thing, as I was typing in your URL, I thought "I wonder who returned their RSVP card first" (b/c I am a nerd like that).
i just put mine in the mail before i should be arriving on your doorstep any day now : ) congrats on being first liz, you're #1!! woo hoo!!
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